Post by LILkillaBEE aka Nikola PericPost by LILkillaBEE aka Nikola Peric'Verzija, win 2003
report koji iz report buildera uredno radi, na report serveru pravi
report ima 1 parametar ako je ista vazno.
ima 4 jednostavna selecta od kojih 2 vracaju po jedan red iz baze a
druga dva vecinom ne vrate podatke ali je moguce da i oni vrate max 6 redova
u podatcima nije problem.
pdf output je u igri.
gledanjem tracea primjetio sam da se u cache direktoriju od AS-a
report izgenerira ali nikad ne dodje do klijenta (browsera).
netko imao slicne probleme?
nasao rijesenje?
A da stisneš ctrl prije nego pokreneš report i cekaš da se pojavi...?
Skinuti popup bloker?
ma svaka cast, kakav popup bloker, da je barem tako glupo jednostavno...
pretpostavljam da se prekine nekakva komunikacija na relaciji OC4J,
Report server, Web cache ali ne mogu skuziti sto tocno bude...
do podataka nije, upit traje ispod sekunde, status reporta bude 'Running
the report Formatting page 1'.
jos malo informacija...
report se uredno generira ako je output format html,htmlcss... ali PDF nece.
evo dio trace-a:
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:113] APP 50103 (rwa:rwanp): new page start
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:113] APP 50103 (rwa:rwanp): new page...done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:113] APP 50103 (C Engine): Creating font
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:129] APP 50103 (C Engine): Successfully created
c:\windows\fonts\Arial.ttf font
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:129] APP 50103 (C Engine): Creating subset for font:
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:129] APP 50103 (C Engine): Successfully created
subset for font: Arial
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (C Engine): Creating font
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (C Engine): Successfully created
c:\windows\fonts\Arial.ttf font
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (C Engine): Creating subset for font:
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (C Engine): Successfully created
subset for font: Arial
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwa:rwafp): Finish current
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
the buffer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
buffer.... done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwaim:rwaimout_rwtk): running
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwaim:rwaimout_rwtk): quit
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwa:rwafp): Finish current
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:145] APP 50103 (rwa:rwafs): Finish current
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
the buffer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
buffer.... done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
the buffer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
buffer.... done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
the buffer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
buffer.... done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
the buffer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwa:rwa85_ASCII85Encode): Encoding
buffer.... done
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] APP 50103 (rwtim:rwtimrw): reset the jpeg writer
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] Debug 50103 (ImageManager:getWriterObject ):
Start : outputType2
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:160] Debug 50103 (ImageUtility:loadClass ): Start
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:176] Debug 50103 (ImageUtility:loadClass ):
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:176] Debug 50103 (ImageManager:getWriterObject ):
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:176] APP 50103 (rwtim:rwtimrw): quit
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:176] APP 50103 (rwa:rwafs): Finish current
[2008/11/13 8:51:55:176] APP 50103 (rwa:rwade): clean up and destroy the
PDF context..start